Project Human
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself rather than a second-rate version of someone else."
A stub for collecting thoughts, files, linking discussion boards, etc.
Good questions to guide us
Summary of Jul 5 meeting
- Motivation is flagging
- Idea: Making a 'Magic Item', something with a 'story'
- Idea: making paper, making a book
- Idea: Continue with the "Make your own adventure project"
- Idea: Try shifting to a more project focus
Tasks for Wed Jul 5, 2023
- Group Focus: Kindness
- Group Task: Put fill-in-the-blank mods of strength (Attributes.txt) sheet
- Al Task: Perform Random 10 Acts of Kindness
- Dan: Perform 5 Acts of Kindness & 5 Loving-Kindness Meditation
- Aramis: Physical capture (write down) analysis every time I get upset
- Dan's Virtue focus for next week's meeting: Growth
- Homework: TBA
Tasks for Wed Jun 28, 2023
- Group Focus: Discipline
- Group Task: Develop a system of measures that embodies the 'Strength" attribute for the character sheet project
- Al Task: Capture meeting process as described in Discord and share, fast 24 hours, walk every day at least 1 lap, 24 hour full sobriety
- Dan: Fast for 24 hrs (water-only), meditate for a 1hr stretch
- Aramis: Wake at 8am & do 1 push-up everyday this week
- Aramis' Virtue focus for next week's meeting: Kindness
- Homework: Al's HW
- HW: Dan's HW
Tasks for Wed, June 21, 2023
- Group Focus: Integrity
- Group: Create agenda items for next meeting by start of mtg
- Group: Create a first draft of our group mission/vision statement.
- Aramis: Come up with a list of charactristics that I possess (what I am, what I am not), like a D&D character sheet for myself.
- Dan: Create a list of What I am, What I am not statements.
- Al: Attempt a D&D character sheet.
- Al's Virtue focus for next week: Discipline
- Netflix: Fantastic Fungi
Tasks for Wed, June 14, 2023
- Group Focus: Courage
- Aramis: Have the courage to be more honest with myself and others
- Dan: Work more on my applications for licensure and jobs,
Download the audio recording from the meeting and add to the website
- Al: refocus on health and weight goals OMAD (one meal a day) Diet
- Craig recording
- Next week's focus: Integrity
Homework: Integrity video
Tasks for Wed, June 7, 2023
- Group Focus: Compassion
- Aramis: Find policies from diverse political perspectives that you can agree with even if you don't agree with the overall perspective
- Dan: Engage in Loving-Kindness Meditation 5+ days
Tasks for Wed, May 31, 2023
- Group: Watch Buddhism video, Focal goal Compassion
- Aramis: Meditate on Positive emotions
- Al: Communicate emotions
- Dan: Do something difficult, fail publicly
To Do List
- Create shared Google docs/sheets/folders
- Link to Buddhism intro video
- Link to Amazon listings for books like "Getting Things Done" and "Atomic Habits"
- Create daily virtue reminder goal tracking system
- Here
- Create "Best Practices" area/page
Free Coursera class by Robin Wright on Buddhism
Link to Dan's stuff
W3 Schools link
The Egg
Encyclopedia of Resources for Personal Development
Book List
- Why Buddhism is True, by Robin Wright